

Lymphedema is swelling in one or more extremities that results from impaired flow of the lymphatic system. The swelling may range from mild to severe and disfiguring. Lymphedema is most commonly caused by the removal of or damage to your lymph nodes as a part of cancer treatment. It results from a blockage in your lymphatic system, which is part of your immune system. The blockage prevents lymph fluid from draining well, and the fluid buildup leads to swelling. There's no cure for lymphedema. But it can be managed with early diagnosis and diligent care of your affected limb.

Venous Insufficiency

Venous Insufficiency is a condition where blood doesn’t flow back properly to the heart, causing blood to pool in the veins in your legs. Causes include: blood clots, obesity, pregnancy, smoking, cancer, injury/trauma, age and inactivity (sitting or standing still for long periods of time). As functional venous valves are required to provide for efficient blood return from the lower extremities, impaired vein function causes significant symptoms, such as: swelling (edema), leg ulcers, varicose veins, weak/tired legs and leg cramps.

Deep vein thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a blood clot (thrombus) forms in one or more of the deep veins, most commonly in your legs. Causes include: Inherited blood-clotting disorder, sitting or lying down for long periods of time (for example in long flights or driving), injury or surgery, pregnancy, birth control pills, obesity, age, smoking, cancer and heart failure. Symptoms can include swelling and pains, but if the blood clot breaks free, it could cause pulmonary embolism or stroke.

Sports Injuries

Sports injuries are injuries that happen when playing sports or exercising. Some are from accidents. Others can result from poor training practices or improper gear. Some people get injured when they are not in proper condition. Not warming up or stretching enough before you play or exercise can also lead to injuries. The most common sports injuries are: sprains and strains, knee injuries, swollen muscles, Achilles tendon injuries and pain along the shin bone.


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