For Patients

For Patients

Circulation is a crucial part of the human anatomy, ensuring nutrient and oxygen delivery to all the cells in the body. The flow of blood in the veins pass through a series of one-way valves, which prevents backflow. Enlarged veins or over-stretched valves limit circulation, and cause blood to pool in the legs. Calf muscles, which play an integral part in the circulatory system, are responsible for forcing the blood back up to the heart. Continues contractions of the calf muscles, is therefore an essential component of healthy circulation.

Poor circulation can cause cosmetic conditions, such as painful varicose veins, as well as lymphedema, edema or sports injuries, which greatly affect the patient’s quality of life. Life threatening disorders, such as chronic ulcers and Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) are serious conditions caused by compromised circulation. Serious venous conditions, when not properly treated, can lead to amputation, pulmonary embolisms, strokes and even death.


Autonomous Leg Massage for improved circulation, to help combating serious various medical conditions.


Specifically designed to be easy to wear with a comfortable fit, LTE Stocking's device does not disrupt the patient’s lifestyle promoting lifesaving compliance


Professional athletes require up to 72 hours to fully recover after a game or intense workout.

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